Group Check-In #5 – August 2013

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Hi Clubbers! How’s the reading going? Check in with the group below!

Tell us about your project — or you! Introduce yourself. Chat.

Tell us what you’ve read, how you’re feeling about your progress, how much you love the classics or the community — any struggles, a favorite read so far. Really, whatever you feel like sharing!

Some people prefer writing an update at their own blog and linking it here in the comments. That’s fine, too.

Feel free to respond to one another in the comments below — ask questions, visit each other, tell us you are new to the club, planning to join the club — etc. This is a meet and greet.

If you’re having trouble with your list and need encouragement, say that! That’s understandable. We want new classics readers to join us, so there’s nothing wrong with arriving to this thread with all of the newness showing!

(Please also note the “check-in” feature here is entirely voluntarily, intended for those who like weighing in with others in the group, and having a periodic place to reflect upon goals for the club. For some this feature would feel like an unwanted intrusion. Silent participation in this group is of course welcome!)

Thanks for all of your enthusiasm about this project!

New? Introduce yourself to the group on Twitter using hashtag #ccintroductions @ourclassicsclub. You can also introduce yourself here at the blog. 🙂

Twitter hashtag for reading check-ins: #ccreadingupdate

Note that if you’re on Twitter, you can also tweet your latest classic book reviews to the group using hashtag #ccbookreviews.

59 thoughts on “Group Check-In #5 – August 2013

  1. I’m really enjoying being part of this club and am trying to become more involved in club activities. I have read three of my list of 50 book so far. With my projected finishing date of 31 December 2017, I think that this should be achievable. Currently I’m just over 10% of the way through Jane Eyre, which I am finding more enjoyable than I expected. My favourite thing at this club is the Classics Spin as there is always the chance that you may get a book that you’ve been dreading to read.


  2. I’m only a few months into my challenge of 50 books in 3 years, but I have finished 5 so far & I’m reading 2 @ the moment. Getting ready to start the Spin on Aug 19th as well.


  3. This month I’ve finished reading The Rend and the Black by Stendhal… and thus finishing reading the 64 books I had pledged for this challenge. I am currently wondering whether I should start a new one or just keep going with this one.


  4. I’ve read 8 classics this year, although some of those are stretching the term “classic” a bit. I just finished George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, after struggling with it for a couple of months. Next on my list is Mansfield Park, which will be an easy read after Eliot.


  5. Hi everyone! I’m new to the club (joined only about two weeks ago) but everyone’s enthusiasm is catching, and I’m well on my way to crossing my first classic off the list ( So psyched 😀

    Right now I’m almost done with The Hobbit (such an awesome adventure!), I’m doing a buddy read of Macbeth, and I started Brave New World as well. And yes, I’m of those people who must be always be reading 3 to 5 books at a time 😉

    I’m very happy to have discovered the Classics Club, though I must admit to feeling a little intimidated when I look around at everyone else’s articulate reviews. I just hope I can express myself half as well because, frankly, I flop at reviews 😆

    Enjoy your weekend, and your reading!


  6. Hello to all, and welcome to the new participants!
    I have a confession to make. I have read a lot more books on my list than it may appear. While I’m good about reading my classics (they’re as essential as breakfast), I’m horrible at blogging right after I finish a book, which causes me to get behind more…and more…and more. There are at least 12 books on my current list that still need review posts, and I’d like to add many more books to the list, some that I’ve read since making the list and others than I intend to read. So things are getting a little out of hand in regard to writing the posts, but I’m technically “ahead” with the reading part.

    I hope everyone else is having a great summer! I love reading the posts even if I don’t get time to comment on them all. If you’re reading this and don’t yet know me, feel free to come say hello at my blog or on Twitter (@lostgenreader).


    1. I’ve only read about one classic and already have a scheduled post about it so I can’t give you any tips but I find that it’s really easier to 1/ take notes as I read and highlight relevant quotes and 2/ blog RIGHT after finishing. Perhaps you should write just one wrap-up blog post for all of them with quick thoughts? It’s way more manageable than staring at twelve reviews yet to be started 🙂


      1. Thanks for the advice! I do need to start blogging right after finishing a book. And I don’t take notes exactly, but I will mark passages/quotes in my books despite that being frowned upon by some. I’ve seen other people do wrap-up posts, and that’s awesome, but I don’t think it’s for me. I may just have to move forward and go back with the reviews as time allows. But moving forward, I’ll definitely review right away. Thanks again!


  7. Over all my year is going pretty good. My goal is 40 books and I have completed 36. Having just completed Pride and Prejudice for the Austen in August project, I have started An American Tragedy, a selection for my Author of the Month project. Good thing I am so far ahead of schedule. This one is 874 pages and will take me a long time to complete. Anxiously I await the next spin selection!


  8. A slow start to my second year. I’ve read my target ten a year so need to crack on with this one. My aim is to read the Narnia chronicles and Jane Austen. Am half through P and P. 🙂


  9. Well a; year-and-a-half into this and I’ve read 12 of 50. I was doing well during the first year, but the last six months have slowed down. Just making my spin list gave me the motivation to get back at it. I have bookmarks in so many books right now. I need to stop and just concentrate on one good classic.


    1. I prefer to focus on just one book but I know someone who reads one chapter out of several books every day and it works better for her. Find what works for you! Your progress is inspiring, I wish I could have reached twelve already!


  10. I’m still pretty new at this too, but I’ve crossed 5 off the list so far. . . only blogged about 3.5 though. I’m reading Jane Austen’s juvenalia at the moment, which wasn’t on my list, but makes a nice companion to sanditon/the watsons which were


  11. I joined back in June and had hardly read any classics for a very long time. Since joining, I’m finishing up my third book from my official list and I’ve read two more classics that were not on my original list. Needless to say, this project has given me a HUGE jump start, and I could not be more thankful!


    1. A belated welcome to you! I find myself adding books to my original classics list all the time. I’m glad you’re getting into the classics again. I hope you’re joining the Classics Spin starting next week. 🙂


  12. I’m rereading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens at the moment. It’s not on my Classics Club list, but I’m glad to be reading it again 🙂


      1. Oh, yeah…I’ve maybe blogged about two of the books I’ve read. I have a hard time writing about classics for some reason. I need to write a general post about what I’ve read so far and whether or not I liked them, I guess. :/


  13. Hi, everyone. I’m brand new to the Project. In fact, I just finished my first book, Dangerous Liaisons. I had so much fun putting my list together, and my FB post about it actually spurred one of my friends to join. Another suggested a Classics Book Club. So it’s already been a rewarding experience. Thanks so much for putting this group together. I am looking forward to adding even more classics to my TBR pile as I read reviews!


    1. Dangerous Liaisons is so good. I haven’t read it in years. Did you like it? The Stephen Frears movie is also excellent. It’s heartwarming to hear that one of your friends joined!


  14. Helloooo everyone! I’m SO happy I joined! I posted my list two days ago ( and I’m already reading a book on the list: Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence, which is a reread for me though I can’t remember it much. That was easily started since Wharton has recently become quite a favourite of mine after being blown away by both The House of Mirth and The Custom of the Country. I want to read everything she’s written!

    I can’t wait to get to know you all better, I’ve already chatted to a couple of fellow CC members but not nearly enough. I’d love to meet fellow Wharton fans for example! 🙂


      1. Hi Andi! I finished the book yesterday. Not a favourite (I prefer The House of Mirth and The Custom of the Country) :/ Shame you didn’t read the epilogue, it was a bit better than the rest! 😀


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