
Meet “Arie Stotle”:

Meet “Arie Stotle,” our leader and mascot. He answers all the email, so look for his name!

Don’t call him Socrates or Euripides. Call him Arie or Mr. Stotle. And try not to mention the year. He still thinks he’s in his own time and has somehow been made to believe he invented computers. We prefer not to poke that bear.

the moderators

Contact Options:

To contact Arie about joining The Classics Club, go here.

To contact Arie to submit your latest review to our review list, go here.

To contact Arie about sharing a classics event, fill in the contact form below.

Have a customer service complaint? Click here.

If you simply have a comment or a question, feel free to submit below. 🙂 Thanks!


Please be patient with us! 🙂

Your hosts are busy people with school, jobs, family and blogs of their own! Please feel free to contact us, but know it may take us a bit to get back to you. As for Arie, he does everything in his own good time. Thanks for understanding!