Farewell! Hello!

Greetings, Classics Clubbers!club

As you know, our founding moderators (what shall we be known as, now? “Legacy Moderators” “First Gen Moderators!?”) decided it was time to retire and make on their merry ways with other projects and responsibilities. They embarked on a perilous journey of calling for, vetting, and coordinating with new “Next Gen” moderators, those worthy few who were eager and prepared enough to carry our incredible Classics Club into the future!

A call went out, a massive response was received, and ultimately, four new exceptional individuals were selected as our noble successors. Now, it is time for us –Adam, Allie, Melissa, and Sarah– to say goodbye to you all and to introduce you to our four new Club Moderators! Here they are – please give them a very warm welcome!


I’ve been blogging at Brona’s Books since 2009 and managing an Independent bookshop in Sydney since 2008. Before that I was an early childhood teacher for 18 years in country NSW. I run a photography blog called Four Seasons and edit the Non-fiction page for the Australian Women Writers challenge. My love affair with classics began with Little Women, Seven Little Australians and the What Katy Did series. In my teens I fell in love with Jane Eyre, Anne of Green Gables and To Kill A Mockingbird. My favourite authors (to date) are Jane Austen, Wilkie Collins, Edith Wharton and Emile Zola. I joined the Classics Club in August 2012 and completed my first list in April 2018. I love the supportive community that has built up around the Classics Club and I’m a HUGE fan of the CC spins! One of my Classics Club highlights was meeting Melissa (gen one moderator) and her Huz when they visited Australia a few years ago. I’m thrilled to be part of the team that will guide the Classics Club into it’s next phase.

Deb N.

Books are my happy place. Since I started spontaneously reading at age two, I’ve spent many happy hours with a book. I’ve been fortunate to not only read for fun, but to read for a job; I served as a teacher and a school librarian from 1977 until my retirement in May of 2018. I’ve blogged at Readerbuzz for over ten years. I made my way through lots of classics as a child, including Aesop’s Fables and Grimm’s Fairy Tales. As I got older, I read and loved Don Quixote; The Glass Bead Game; I, Claudius; Walden; The Odyssey; and Kafka’s Metamorphosis. I’m especially interested in children’s classics and in reading classic books from diverse cultures. I was late to the game, joining The Classics Club in January of 2018. But I’ve hit the road running; in a half a year I’ve read more than fifteen books on my list. When I’m not reading, I’m busy writing on one of a half dozen books I’ve started or swimming or walking or doing yoga or baking bread or drawing or traveling, and I’m always happily obsessing about what to read next. I am delighted to serve as one of the four new Classics Club moderators. Find me on Twitter: @Debnance!

Kay R.

I don’t remember when I read my first classic, but it was probably a fairy tale or it may have been something by Louisa May Alcott or Frances Hodgson Burnett. I know I read David Copperfield at a fairly early age, and when I was 11, I picked up Dostoevsky (although I had no clue what was going on). Years later, I have a Master’s degree in English Literature and Language. I am a long-time professional technical writer (now retired—yippee!) who also taught composition and technical-writing courses at the college level. I love reading all kinds of books. When I got an iPad and spent some hours playing games, my husband thought I’d undergone a personality change. But soon I was back to reading. I am the secret author of three (sadly unpublished) trashy romance novels, and I write three blogs, What, Me Read?, a book review blog; Moving to Washington, about adjusting to an entirely new live in Washington State (yay!) after moving from Texas; and The Fat Girl’s Guide to Hiking, a brand new blog with reviews of hiking trails in Washington and Oregon for people who aren’t as fit as the people who usually write hiking guides. I joined Classics Club shortly after starting my reading blog, almost seven years ago, because I thought it was a great idea to encourage people to read classics. I am working on my second Classics Club list.

Margaret S.

My earliest aspiration was to work in a library or basically just with books. I used to be literally the only one in the school library during lunch and I’d even sneak to the local University’s library even though I was still in high school. When I graduated and began “adulting”, I realized how hard it was to work at the library…it’s actually a city government job with high prerequisites. So instead I got a job at the pharmacy, went to school and started a blog. I’ve been blogging, building websites and other computer stuff for the last 7 years & happily last May, I finally landed a spot at the library and plan to work my way up! My blog can be found at Books in Bloom.

So, there they are, our four new moderators! We wish them all the best in their new adventure and will be eagerly awaiting what comes next, as we plan to remain Club members ourselves. Please check back here on Monday for a brand new post from your brand new Moderators! Happy reading!

59 thoughts on “Farewell! Hello!

  1. I am just beyond thrilled about our new moderators! Thank you guys so much for stepping up. I’m so happy to see you four breathing new life into a club that I love so much. Being a moderator was such a joy and I was so happy to have a small part in this great group! Looking forward to continuing to read classics with this community.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome to the new team and many thabks to the previous team. Even though I only joined esrlier this year I have truly enjoyed it and I look forward to all your new ideas 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Ah yes, jolly good – splendid in fact. I’m very pleased; I was half worried that some administrative blunder would leave us with a pair of curmudgeons who hated books somehow in charge of the place and then where would we be? We’d be left with G***dr***ds – that’s where, trying to find the each other ‘mongst the hordes YA and sci-fi, and ***shudders*** romance readers. But crisis avoided, all’s well. I trust you’ve got the keys to the washroom, and the reserved parking spots, all that. Least we can do to make up for the rather embarrassing remuneration the job offers.

    I’m only well acquainted with Brona Joy, she’s been a faithful commenter at my place, always friendly and encouraging. I do worry a bit about her being upside down all the time, but she seems to be handling it well.

    I’ve crossed pages a with Deb a time or two – I’ve always imagined I smell bread baking when I read her.

    Which brings me to Kay and Margaret. I should ordinarily have to consider probation for a review or two, but I think just this once we’ll let it slide – even though I have a sneaking suspicion that Margaret has read a comic book or two, and that Kay once found a minor grammatical error in a Michener novel.

    But we’re very tolerant sorts here, so we’ll just dispense with the formalities.

    Seriously – THANK YOU!!! And once more sincere thanks to Adam, Allie, Sarah, and Melissa.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m only upside down Joseph if you use a north-up orientation map. In Australia we prefer the south-up orientation 😀

      Thanks for popping by though to wish us well. It’s heartening to have had such a warm welcome.
      I currently live with 2 YA’s so I’m quite in touch with my inner curmudgeon, however, I try to leave her at home!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Welcome new moderators!! I’m so glad this club is still going strong and I’m ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to our original moderators for all their hard work and inspiration. I joined the CC back in 2012 (does that make me a CC vet? lol). It’s what jumpstarted blogging for me – 3 blogs ago haha! I never finished reading through my list in my original 5 year term but I’m thinking of creating a new one and starting with a fresh 5 year run! Thanks so much for keeping this club running! Happy reading everyone!! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Thank you to the moderators who are retiring and congratulations to the new ones! I’m pleased to see Brona and Kay on the team and will have to explore Deb’s and Margaret’s blogs. Thanks for keeping the Classics Club going. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Congratulations to the new Moderators and well done to the retiring ones. I joined way back in 2012 when my blog was quite new but somehow I could not keep the pace and other interests got in the way. I am so excited to see that Clubbers are very much at it and keeping the banner high. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  7. I’m always stumped at how I land up just when something new is up! I’m excited to see Brona and Deb amongst the new moderators. I doubt you folk remember me, but I was around a long while ago. Congratulations to you all, you new moderators! And all the best with your new ventures, ye olde ones!:D

    Though I don’t read much these days, I pop in here every now and then to see how the Classics Clubbers are doing. I feel a bit nostalgic about the times I was going full speed ahead with my reading – spurred on and inspired by many in here – and then I sigh and think, “Those were the days!” Ha!

    If there are discussions on books I’ve already read, though, I think I’d love to offer my two bits!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Risa!! I was just trying to find you the other day! Are you on Goodreads? If so, we must connect for I’ve lost you in all my wanderings. I still remember reading Sense & Sensibility with you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Jillian!! It’s actually been nearly two years since I deleted all my social media accounts, including goodreads. I found I was having a hard time keeping up with work becoming a major part of my life. I figured if I severed the ties I wouldn’t feel so guilty about neglecting my blog, reading and reading buddies. Now I’m back because I really long for some space to simply write. Reading still is a pastime I am struggling to accommodate though.

        I’m so glad you’re still around! I notice you’re not blogging. Maybe you could pay my ickle blog a visit sometime…it’s still new and shiny…nothing in it save for the first post.:D

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I didn’t notice you had a blog even though it’s linked right there! Ha ha. Ok, I’ll pop over. I totally understand deleting all your social media accounts, but I selfishly think you should join Goodreads again and connect with me. You know you want to. You could just ignore all guilt & do as you please. Then you could add books to your TBR and read nothing for a year and pretend you have no social media whenever you want, and still be connected to me for old times’ sake. Just saying. ❤ 😛


          1. You half convinced me. Then I was idling away on the goodreads site and realised I had an unclosed account with them!!! So…your wish has come true.:D ….I’m not reading much. But I really do long to re-connect with old book blogger pals.

            Sorry it took me such a while to get back to you. There were things that happened so suddenly that I’ve only just been able to log on again after nearly two weeks.

            I am Risa on goodreads. No idea how to find you though!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hm, I can’t find you with just “Risa.” There are lots of Risas! 🙂

              Here we have a spectacle, people. Two INFPs, neither of whom wants to share their Goodreads url on a public feed, though they want to connect. This is actually how INFPs exist. 😀

              Risa, my blog is gone, but if you stick a contact page on your blog, I’ll send my url for Goodreads as soon as I see it? I’d love to connect, but I understand if this is a bit of a hassle. 😛


    2. Thanks Risa & of course I remember you. I always loved your avatar. Sorry you haven’t had as much time for reading, maybe we’ll be able to tempt you back one day soon 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Congratulations to and jubilations for you wonderful new moderators stepping up to the mark! And grateful thanks to retirees who have done a fantastic job during the short while I have been in the club. So glad the business of reading and celebrating books is so valued.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Exciting!! Thank you to our Legacy-Mods for the excellent build of this idea into a community and Congratulations to our new Team of Moderators. Thrilling, it is! Made my day to see this post. Cheers! 🎉

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks Sarah.
      The club has been such a wonderful community & resource for the blogging world to gather round – you, Adam, Allie & Melissa should be very proud of what you’ve achieved over the past almost 6 yrs. not only on the blog but in your personal worlds as well.
      We hope you hang around to offer us advice & moral support as needed 😊

      Liked by 4 people

  10. WHAT A GREAT GROUP!!! I AM SO EXCITED to see you all taking over. VERY best wishes to you! BRONA, YOU RECEIVE A HUG You CC VETERAN YOU!! (You too, Deb and Kay, although I don’t know you as well, and a big hug might be more awkward.) 😛 And MARGARET, I literally JUST MET YOU AND SUGGESTED YOU READ INVICTUS on GOODREADS, which is not a classic BUT WHICH INVOLVES TIME-TRAVELING!! I’m excited to see you here! You have the first name of my favorite classics novelist. 😀

    Also, literally, I woke up at 430am today because I was dreaming about The Classics Club. Not even joking. I was dreaming of an idea where you post about a title a month and have people chat in the comments encouraging fellow clubbers to read that title SPOILER FREE, or where clubbers intimidated by the title can ask questions about it and express their trepidation, and if anyone is feeling EXTRA EXCITED folks can organize a group read. However my idea was mostly to give the group a space to discuss each month in the comment box. Totally chore-free for the moderators because literally all you’d do is say, for example, “IT IS SEPTEMBER 2018, and it is TIME TO INSPIRE CLUBBERS on the following title: CLARISSA by Samuel Richardson. TELL US THE THINGS. WHY SHOULD OUR AWESOME GROUP READ THIS BOOK? HAVE YOU READ IT? ARE YOU INTIMIDATED AND WHY? If you have already read & written on it for the club, feel free to link to your review.” SO THAT INSPIRATION CAN BE HAD!! 😀

    My other idea, along the same lines, was that each month, a fellow clubber could guest post about a title they have loved, or that means a lot to them, and you could post their words here on the blog. Again, fairly hands-free for you moderators. Just create a contact form here on a page. You could build it just once and have a page for it, and point to it with a link at twitter and here on the blog now and then, and the form could literally just be a space for the blogger to share a little bio of themselves, a link to their list in progress or their completed list, summarize the title they’ll discuss with a link to it on goodreads (maybe they’re favorite read so far, or a lesser-known classic they want others to know about), a place to say when they read it, one to say what they expected when they picked it up, one to say why they added it to their club list, and what they thought when they read it, and why other clubbers WILL DEFINITELY LOVE THIS BOOK AND MUST MAKE HASTE TO THE NEAREST LIBRARY FORTHWITH TO SECURE THEIR COPY. As in, they could write three sentences or ten or whatever on each of those sections, and you could set up a form here at wordpress and just have it always open to clubbers, and once a month post one of the guest posts and INTEREST WILL BE INSPIRED IN BOTH THE BOOK AND THE CLUBBER WHO POSTS, and I reckon it would be both fairly self-regulating as well as exciting, and would give clubbers an opportunity to participate here. 🙂

    (You would just do this at wordpress through “add media” when you’re in build a post/page, then “add a contact form.” Then you edit the categories within the form: https://en.support.wordpress.com/forms/contact-form/. Just use text fields and let people type their answers for each category.)

    Hopefully it’s not presumptuous to share my ideas. This is how I came up with the cc-spin as well. I dreamt it, and then I woke up and said THAT IS A GOOD IDEA. 😀 😛

    Welcome to all four of you!! And THANK YOU for stepping up. I hope you have a blast. ❤

    (PS: If some of you don't know me, I'm the original moderator. Ha ha. This club was also born in my brain one night, and has become a first grader I cannot control. I assume you will go whatever direction you please and ignore these ideas if they don't work with your vision. Ha ha, first grader because it is SIX YEARS OLD.) 😛 x


    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks Jillian for your enthusiastic welcome. We’re sll very excited about our new roles & we’re very keen to get creative ideas for the future.

      I’m sure you already know how much I love the spins 😊 so thanks again!

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Clarissa! ❤
          (Sorry Adam, it's a reflex – I saw your comment and I had to!)

          Congratulations new moderators! And Brona (I'm afraid I only know Brona at present) – I'm so happy to see you're one of them!

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Adam, I KNOW! Ha, ha. Tiny writing, & such a heavy book I knocked myself out reading it! BUT, I must find out what happens, and truth be told, I actually liked it. I’m thinking a lot. As in, I still remember it vividly. It made me more mad than anything I’ve read so far. So yep, I’ll be finishing it. But 1500 pages in thirty days was a bit more Richardson than I was prepared for. 😀

          Liked by 3 people

    2. Thank you Jillian for the welcome & for your ideas! We love getting new ones and it is important what our members want. I’ll add them to our list of ideas! & I added Invictus to my 2018 spreadsheet, it sounds very good. I wonder how it compares to The Time Machine?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s not really like The Time Machine at all. It’s a young adult sci-fi, involving a kid whose father is a Roman gladiator from BC, and whose mother is a time traveler from the future. He was born on a time machine in “no time,” which everyone thinks is cool because he doesn’t have an actual birthday since he was born when there was no date or time. He wants to become an official time traveler (an actual thing in his time) but is rejected from the program when he graduates high school for failing the exam, so he becomes a time traveling thief: he steals historical artifacts right before big disasters in history (like the sinking of the Titanic). The story is about the fact that having been born in a time where there was no time is having a big effect on time itself, which begins to reveal itself as the book continues. So it’s a character arc of this disgruntled kid whose parents are nowhere and who was born nowhere and nowhen, who finds that all of history is depending on him.

        It’s not great literature, but it’s a piping good tale! 😀


    3. Jillian wrote to Margaret: “You have the first name of my favorite classics novelist.”

      The things you learn. I’da never guessed you were an Atwood fan. :p


  11. Welcome and thank you for taking on the moderation of this interesting club. It is a pleasure to exchange views on the classics. I know two of you from before and am happy to make the acquaintance of two new ones. You are already in my Feedly. Good luck and I am looking forward to your approach to the Classics Club.

    Liked by 1 person

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