Group Check-In #26: October 2017

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Hi Clubbers! How’s the reading going? Check in with the group below!

Tell us about your project — or you! Introduce yourself. Chat.

Tell us what you’ve read, how you’re feeling about your progress, how much you love the classics or the community — any struggles, a favorite read so far. Really, whatever you feel like sharing!

Some people prefer writing an update at their own blog and linking it here in the comments. That’s fine, too.

Feel free to respond to one another in the comments below — ask questions, visit each other, tell us you are new to the club, planning to join the club — etc. This is a meet and greet.

If you’re having trouble with your list and need encouragement, say that! That’s understandable. We want new classics readers to join us, so there’s nothing wrong with arriving to this thread with all of the newness showing!

(Please also note the “check-in” feature here is entirely voluntarily, intended for those who like weighing in with others in the group, and having a periodic place to reflect upon goals for the club. For some this feature would feel like an unwanted intrusion. Silent participation in this group is of course welcome!)

Thanks for all of your enthusiasm about this project!

New? Introduce yourself to the group on Twitter using hashtag #ccintroductions @ourclassicsclub. You can also introduce yourself here at the blog. 🙂

Twitter hashtag for reading check-ins: #ccreadingupdate

Note that if you’re on Twitter, you can also tweet your latest classic book reviews to the group using hashtag #ccbookreviews.

22 thoughts on “Group Check-In #26: October 2017

  1. I finished Castle Richmond by Anthony Trollope this month. I am currently reading Adam Bede by George Eliot and also The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. I hope there’s another classic spin this year.


  2. Hi everyone! I’m also new this month. I first heard about the classics club from Nicky at Introverted Bookworm ( and have been musing about which books to select for a few weeks before finally committing. In the end I ended up with what I hope is a healthy mix of books I want to read and books I want to have read. I’m Swedish so Nordic authors naturally feature heavily but otherwise I hope to cover a broad range of authors. I have just finished the first book on my list, Metamorphosis and other stories by Franz Kafka and am well into the Poetic Edda so I expect those two to be my first reviews.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That will be so interesting to learn about some Nordic authors. One of the things I learnt while putting my list together was how dependant I am on British and American writers!


  3. After thinking about this, talking about it and making tons of lists, I’ve actually officially started on my classics club list! I’ve read two (Middlemarch and Huckleberry Finn), posted a blog (which nearly killed me) and am currently reading Little Women. I feel ridiculously pleased with myself!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am currently reading the final book on my list – The Count of Monte Cristo, which is actually a re-read for me. After that, I’m thinking about starting a second list.


  5. I just passed my two year anniversary and am exactly on target with twenty books read. Gulag Archipelago has slowed me down, as it’s three large volumes. I’ve read two so far!


  6. 149 titles in, and I have finished the Ancient Greeks and now dipping my toe into the Romans – have finished Plautus and Terence and just started Polybius. Hope to be finished with the Republic and Empire’s best and brightest by the end of 2018.


  7. I’ve piled up all my books I want to read for the next SPIN. Is a new SPIN planned soon? When is it? I’d be happy to help organize it. I sent an email to the contact person volunteering my services and haven’t heard back anything. I love having the excuse to read another classic and the book “forced” on me by the Spin. Anyone else like it?


  8. Hello! I’m 50 pages out from finishing The Once and Future King. Last time I read it was when I was 14. It’s a very different book from what I remember. The rest of this month is dedicated to other reading challenges (fairy tales retellings, Oz series, Caudill and Bluestem nominees for work). In November, I’m going to work my way through The Old Curiosity Shop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started this book this month, too, and the font was too small, so I checked out The Sword in the Stone from the library. I just finished it this week and will decide if I read on or not. Perhaps I’ll look around for an audio version of it. Little font size and old eyes is not a good combination.


  9. I’ve finally read a classic since having my baby in February – classics and sleepless nights don’t agree! I’ve got a bit of catching up to do with my list, but I’ve modified it to make it more achievable and enjoyable and glad to be back on track.

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  10. With the busy summer over, I have been back on track! I finished Sense and Sensibility by Austen and The Trial by Kafka, and am now 300 pages from the end of Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. The unread books on my shelves cry eagerly to be chosen next…

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