Group Check-In #9 – April 2014

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Hi Clubbers! How’s the reading going? Check in with the group below!

Tell us about your project — or you! Introduce yourself. Chat.

Tell us what you’ve read, how you’re feeling about your progress, how much you love the classics or the community — any struggles, a favorite read so far. Really, whatever you feel like sharing!

Some people prefer writing an update at their own blog and linking it here in the comments. That’s fine, too.

Feel free to respond to one another in the comments below — ask questions, visit each other, tell us you are new to the club, planning to join the club — etc. This is a meet and greet.

If you’re having trouble with your list and need encouragement, say that! That’s understandable. We want new classics readers to join us, so there’s nothing wrong with arriving to this thread with all of the newness showing!

(Please also note the “check-in” feature here is entirely voluntarily, intended for those who like weighing in with others in the group, and having a periodic place to reflect upon goals for the club. For some this feature would feel like an unwanted intrusion. Silent participation in this group is of course welcome!)

Thanks for all of your enthusiasm about this project!

New? Introduce yourself to the group on Twitter using hashtag #ccintroductions @ourclassicsclub. You can also introduce yourself here at the blog. 🙂

Twitter hashtag for reading check-ins: #ccreadingupdate

Note that if you’re on Twitter, you can also tweet your latest classic book reviews to the group using hashtag #ccbookreviews.

15 thoughts on “Group Check-In #9 – April 2014

  1. I like to read a classic and then watch the tv/film adaptation – just finished reading and watching David Copperfield and enjoyed both. Trying to make my next selection – please tell me about your favourite books/movie combos not including Austen, Gaskell, Dickens or E.M. Forster.


  2. Since joining the Classics Club two years ago I have made slow but steady progress on my list. Completed books include: Joseph and His Brothers by Thomas Mann; The Book of Job; Timaeus by Plato; Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne; and most recently, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.
    Currently I am reading The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil.
    My comments on these works are at


  3. Hi everyone. I am Stephie Lynn. I read a variety of genres. Currently in the classics line, I am reading My Man Jeeves by P.G. Woodhouse. I like it quite well. It is broken up in shorter stories, so I am picking it up in between reads.


  4. I’ve read 2, but have only done 1 blog entry. Feeling a bit discouraged because I can read, but I’m blocked on the writing. But will keep on going…!


    1. I commiserate, Jax! My challenge with blog posts is that I spend so much time writing/rewriting/editing them that it takes me forever to finalize a post! I need to me much more efficient about that process!


  5. As I am leading a mystery book discussion that is currently on the Kate Sedley mysteries, I am currently reading “The War of the Roses” by Alison Weir. Not an easy read, but very helpful background material.


  6. When I started the club a few months ago I was kind of afraid of procrastination, so I gave myself about as much time to complete my list as I could.

    Now I’ve only been at it a couple of months and I’m already about to complete my 7th or 8th title. Granted, many of these have been shorter, but I’m really excited at the momentum I’ve been able to keep up, even while reading outside the list as well! Thanks again for those of you who have been reading at and engaging in discussion of the titles thus far!


  7. So I’m a bit overwhelmed with my reading right now. I’m participating in Madame Bovary readalong, so there’s that, then I’m trying to read the Bible in a year, so I have weekly readings that aren’t unsubstantial, and finally, I have assignments for my Arthurian and Women’s lit courses that I’m cramming in before the end of the school year.
    On top of that, there’s all my regular schoolwork.
    Yup. My brain is a bit dead, I think.


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