Today is the day! Did you finish your spin book?

Click for details about the Spin.

All right, clubbers! Back in late September, we announced The Classics Spin #14, challenging you to read Book #1 on your spin list by December 1. Today is December 1!

Did you read your book? Did you write about it, or will you?

What was your book, and what did you think? Share below. Feel free to link to your post below, as and when you write about your book.

As always, the prize is the reading experience. Details here.

Twitter hashtag: #ccspin

– the Club

23 thoughts on “Today is the day! Did you finish your spin book?

    1. Oops, I have to read this one before the end of the year for another challenge. Might be difficult then? But ok, if it is bad, I will not force myself to read it. I read his “Sanctuary” some years ago, and although I was not over thrilled, it was ok.


  1. My list’s #1 was Plato’s Socratic dialogue Hippias Major.

    Because I had read it that same weekend the number was announced, I decided instead to read the first fourteen titles on my list (this being the 14th spin run by the Classics Club). I did get 14 titles read : 12 Platos, the last play by Aristophanes, and The Anabasis by Xenophon as well as 3 books of the Old Testament so quite a successful couple of months. Of course losing my job in october gave me a bit more reading time 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My choice was a classic short story: Dostoyevsky’s White Nights, which I enjoyed much more than I had anticipated. I’ve always been rather daunted by the thought of Dostoyevsky and I hoped that by making my introduction to his work a short story I would feel less intimidated. It worked! Review will be posted…. eventually 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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