Classics Club Readathon End Post! #ccreadathon

ccreadathon2Well, here we are at the end of our 2nd annual Classics Club Readathon! Congratulations!

I hope that you had a great time with some great books, and also perhaps a little bit of fun on Twitter/Facebook as well?  I didn’t do as much reading as I could have (by far) because I tend to be easily distracted these days, but I definitely read more than usual for any given day, so in that respect – the readathon was definitely a success, for me!  I hope it was for you, too.


We’d also love it if you filled out our ending questionnaire. It’s a good way to wrap up our event, and get some feedback for future readathons here on the main blog. You can either answer it in the comments, or fill it out in a post on your blog and link it through Mister Linky.

  1. What book(s) did you read during the event?
  2. What book(s) did you finish?
  3. What did you like about our event?
  4. Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club?
  5. Would you participate in future Readathons?
  6. Anything else you’d like to share? (Favorite quote from your reading? Funny anecdote from the event?)

Thanks, Everyone!

17 thoughts on “Classics Club Readathon End Post! #ccreadathon

  1. What book(s) did you read during the event? Measure for Measure & The Woodlanders
    What book(s) did you finish? Measure for Measure
    What did you like about our event? It got me reading The Woodlanders, which I’d been putting off!
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? Nope. It was laid back and great.
    Would you participate in future Readathons? Yes.
    Anything else you’d like to share? (Favorite quote from your reading? Funny anecdote from the event?) It was fun seeing what everyone else was into and gave me some good reading ideas.


  2. What book(s) did you read during the event? Read The Count of Monte Cristo, Villette, and War & Peace
    What book(s) did you finish? None, but I almost finished Villette
    What did you like about our event? More relaxed atmosphetre
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? Maybe have some meme’s during the event to have more fun; sometimes just reading gets a little dull. Also having an hour for people to chat during the event. Another thing would be to advertise the event like crazy in the months leading up to the event; it would also help if there was another event in the summer, when people aren’t so busy with Christmas stuff. It would also be nice to have people who encourage us while we read.
    Would you participate in future Readathons? Yes.
    Anything else you’d like to share? Can’t think of anything.


  3. What book(s) did you read during the event? Doctor Zhivago
    What book(s) did you finish? none
    What did you like about our event? I didn’t get to participate much because I’m recovering from an illness so I slept quite a bit. I missed out on chatting over on Twitter which I’m sure I would have enjoyed.
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? I prefer longer read-a-thons. 24 hours is always difficult for me to manage. Even if it was just 48 hours instead.
    Would you participate in future Readathons? Of course.
    Anything else you’d like to share? (Favorite quote from your reading? Funny anecdote from the event?) N/A

    Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to the next one. 🙂


  4. What book(s) did you read during the event? – The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins, and a very tiny bit of Les Misérables.
    What book(s) did you finish? – The Moonstone.
    What did you like about our event? It involved reading lots 😉
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? No, it’s perfect – you guys did a great job organising it!
    Would you participate in future Readathons? But of course.


  5. What book(s) did you read during the event? Secret Life of Baked Goods, Truth in Advertising, The Once and Future King
    What book(s) did you finish? Truth in Advertising and book one of The Once and Future King.
    What did you like about our event? The excuse to read all day and the twitter updates from people about how their reading/day was going.
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? Nope, seems good the way it is from here.
    Would you participate in future Readathons? Yes.
    Anything else you’d like to share? (Favorite quote from your reading? Funny anecdote from the event?) Thanks Adam for hosting!


  6. What book(s) did you read during the event? The Magic Mountain, The Two Towers.
    What book(s) did you finish? None.
    What did you like about our event? I liked the check-in posts and, as others have said, the laid back feeling of the event.

    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club?
    Perhaps you could “feature” 2-3 books for the event? That would create the opportunity for some participants to have a common reading experience during the event that could be followed up with discussion after.

    Would you participate in future Readathons? Yes.


  7. What books did you read during the event? The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith, Slouching Toward Bethlehem by Joan Didion, Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut, The Subterraneans by Jack Kerouac, Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick, and Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman

    What book(s) did you finish? The Subterraneans, Wonderstruck, and Odd and the Frost Giants

    What did you like about our event? Very laid back and fun!

    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons? Maybe we can spread the word earlier so more people know about it.

    Would you participate in future Readathons? Of course!

    Anything else you’d like to share? My favorite quote of the readathon from Wonderstruck, “The World was full of wonders.”


  8. What book(s) did you read during the event? Candide
    What book(s) did you finish? Candide
    What did you like about our event? Connecting on Twitter with other classics readers, the low pressure
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? No.
    Would you participate in future Readathons? Of course!

    I wish I had more time to read but unfortunately life got in the way (more like a look at the weather forecast and realizing I needed to get everything done on Saturday rather than Sunday.)


  9. I managed to get 60 pages read in 6 hrs – the tomato vines distracted me for an hour or so – they needed tying up- but it’s midnight in Sydney now & I’m off to bed.
    Good night I’ll attend to the survey on the morrow:-)


    1. * I read my ccspin book The Brothers Karamazov (my excuse is that it’s bigger than Ben Hur and too much summer holiday fun)!
      * None 😦
      * I love that I could join in just for the 6 hrs that were available to me this weekend. I also love the international flavour – all boundaries melt away thanks to twitter, instagram & fb.
      * The only problem I have with the readathon is the timing – Jan is our summer holidays and it’s not easy being inside all day reading (unless it turns into a 40°C scorcher!)
      * I have loved the 2 readathons on offer so far, so I’m sure I’ll being trying my hardest to be in the next one too.
      * “Bear in mind particularly that you can be no man’s judge.”
      Thanks for organising such a fun, easy-going event.


  10. What book(s) did you read during the event?The Frozen Deep, The Moonstone, Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
    What book(s) did you finish? The Frozen Deep
    What did you like about our event? I like that it’s a bit more laidback than other readathons, which gave me more time to read
    Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club? Maybe have different start times based on location? It was a little long to have to wait until 2 start (in Europe)
    Would you participate in future Readathons? Sure!
    Anything else you’d like to share? (Favorite quote from your reading? Funny anecdote from the event?) I really enjoyed chatting with everyone on twitter–thanks for the fun!


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