Book Corner: What are you reading today?

“Reading (portrait of Edma Morisot).” Berthe Morisot, 1873.

Here’s a space to tell the club what you’re currently reading. You’re welcome to use the comments below.

No pressure, of course! But if you’re feeling social, here’s a space to tell us about your latest classic. As always, you are of course welcome to leave a link to your blog if you prefer to share there.

Twitter hashtag: #ccreadingupdate

– The Club

34 thoughts on “Book Corner: What are you reading today?

  1. THE ILLUSTRATED MAN. . BRADBURY. Fahrenheit 451 one of my favorites. . Never read more Bradbury. Glad writing on it


  2. I’m finishing up Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur (actually, I’m halfway through, so “finishing” might not be the right word). It’s slow going, but I am enjoying it. I am looking forward to finishing it though, so I can move on to my spin book: Gone With The Wind!


    1. I hope you’re enjoying the experience! It has been almost a year since I started her collection, and I’m still only midway through it. I find reading poetry takes longer than prose.


      1. I only recently started the collection. I’d like to have it done in a year, but I’m not pushing myself. I agree, I find to appreciate poetry, it should take longer than prose.


  3. I’m getting ready to finally read All Is Quiet on the Western Front. I plan to follow that up with Not So Quiet…, and then I have my spin book, Matilda, waiting for me as well.


  4. At the moment I’m reading The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James as my post-colonial pick for the month. It is a historical account published in 1938 about the Haitian revolution and how it was spurred on by the French Revolution.


  5. I just finished Slaughterhouse-Five and am planning to watch the movie for the Back to the Classics challenge.

    My big book right now is August 1914 by Solzhenitsyn. I neglected it for a bit but got back into it last night.


  6. I am desperately trying to clear up my currently-reading stack. Right now I’m reading Doctor Zhivago, Barchester Towers, Plato’s Meno, Bleak House, The Decameron (over a long schedule) and Oedipus Rex for my Classics Spin. I also need to finish up War & Peace, Cicero’s Defence Speeches, The History of the Ancient World, Le Morte d’Arthur and The History of Napoleon Buonaparte. Five books I’m nearly finished and there are a couple that aren’t too long, so I feel like I’m not doing too badly. However, I need to clear the slate because I want to have time to read some new books during the summer.


      1. Cicero’s Defence Speeches is fantastic!! I particularly like the first one where Cicero is an untried 26 year old defence lawyer. He takes chances and is much more cheeky than in the other speeches. I highly recommend it!


  7. I am currently reading The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells and Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I never read the Little House series as a child so I am making up for it now.


  8. I’m reading Hermione Lee’s bio on Edith Wharton for Wharton Review month. It’s a huge tome with tiny font but Lee has been very thorough in her research.


  9. I haven’t been around for awhile! Been so very busy with life and then trying to catch up on my reading. Right now I have two books going, one on my kindle. The Longest Journey by E. M. Forster and Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Neither are very easy reads! I read the plot on Wikipedia for LJ and I think it will get better soon!


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