Did You Finish Your Spin?

Book The End

Today’s the Day!

On the 21st April, 2024 we announced the latest Classic Club Spin, challenging you to read book on your CC Spin #37 list by 2nd June.

Did you read your book? Did you write about it, or not?

Book The End

What’s Next?

  • In the comments below, tell us what book you read, and what you thought of it?
  • Feel free to add a link to your review, here, on twitter and/or fb.
  • Also add your link to the ‘Reviews by Members’ in the tab at the top of the page.
  • Take a moment to see what everyone else has been reading.
  • Tick/strikeout/cross off that book from your Classics Club List – congratulations!

As always, the prize is the reading experience. 

We hope you enjoyed it.

Twitter hashtag: #ccspin  #ccwhatimreading

Calendar alert: #ccspin 38 is scheduled for July 2024.

18 thoughts on “Did You Finish Your Spin?

  1. I read A Question of Upbringing by Anthony Powell, the first book in his A Dance to the Music of Thyme series of 12 novels. It was a book you have to pay attention to as the language is very rich, but it’s also often very funny, and the characters richly drawn. I am keen to continue with the series. Review pending…


  2. I did, and was not too impressed.
    I actually was supposed to read the fist book in the Robert Macdonald series by E. C.R. Lorac, but then realized it was totally out of print, and not available in any library in my own state.
    So I ended up reading #4 in the series, the first one available!
    And it got boring and muddled. But I’m ready to give her another chance.
    I did a very short review here:

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m sorry it ended up being a disappointment (and that you didn’t get to read the one you wanted to). I’ve read several from her Macdonald series and enjoyed them all.


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