The Monthly Meme Returns! May 2018

“Reading” – Auguste Renoir (1890-1895)

Hi clubbers!! We’re excited to be bringing back our monthly Classic Meme feature. This month’s question revisits our very first meme question for the club! In the future, we’ll be thinking up new memes, revisiting some old ones (because there were a lot of great ones!) and taking recommendations, too! So Tweet us with your suggestions!  (Or leave them in the comments.)

Here’s the question for May 2018:

see future questions for this meme

What is your favorite classic book? Why?

Feel free to answer over at your blog any time in May, and leave the link to your post in the comments below!

(Answers can be as thorough or brief as you like, but let’s share and connect, eh?)

Remember to check out this page for details! And then check out one another’s posts! 🙂

21 thoughts on “The Monthly Meme Returns! May 2018

  1. I joined The Classics Club earlier this year so this is the first meme for me. I’m glad your brought them back 🙂
    This was a difficult question to answer, as there are many classics I love. In the end I decided to pick a favourite of my childhood: Little Women. I read it so many times when I was young that I still remember most of it many years later. And yet I’m looking forward to read it once more for the club 🙂

    My favourite classic: Little Women


  2. Yay, so pleased to see the return of the meme – I used to have so much fun taking part in these! Hopefully I will be able to get a post up about my favourite classic on my blog soon. 🙂


  3. Very difficult to pick favourites. The classic that means the most to me is probably The Hobbit, just because my first bookish memory is my father reading that to me in bed as a child, but the first classic that jumped to mind as a favourite was Three Men in a Boat. Nearly that entire book is quotable.

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  4. Well this is a super hard question, multiplied by at least 2, because I was born and raised in France, so I have a lot of French classics and now I focus more on English/American ones. Plus, I have a few decades behind me, more than most of you, so I have a lot of classics to consider!
    Focusing more on classics read let’s say these last 10 years, maybe I’m going to go for Rebecca (though I sol loved also some children classics like The Secret Garden or Charlotte’s Web). Why Rebecca? well, if it’s ok with the etiquette here, I can only invite you to read what I wrote about it 6 years ago:

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You know I really want to say Pride and Prejudice because I love it and have read parts of repeatedly. But honesty the first book that came to mind that really really affected me was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. A book I still think about today. Also adore Wuthering Heights, The Outsiders and Sense and Sensibility. I feel like I should be able to choose just one but ahhhh so hard!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I was going to say something obvious (Jane Eyre), but I’ll go with another obvious choice and say Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. Read it for the first time in elementary school, re-visited it in undergrad, and am still re-reading that to this day (and I have a goal of reading all of L. M. Montgomery’s books). I just love the beautiful writing and how un-complicated, simple, and easy life seems in the books. Any time I’m having a bad day I can turn to it and it will immediately lift my mood. Also, I love that the first book now has an accompanying audiobook narrated by one of my faves, Rachel McAdams!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. A strong tie between “Middlemarch,” “Pride and Prejudice,” and “Portrait of a Lady.” I’ve read each of these novels at least twice. I love elegant, beautifully crafted language, and George Eliot, Jane Austen, and Henry James always deliver the goods.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Charles Kingsley’s The Water-Babies (1862) is my own all-time favourite classic from when I was a youngster, and each time I read it then it feel both familiar and also new. A flawed children’s novel, by turns moralistic and moving, its subtitle ‘Fairy tale for a land-baby’ belies its range: not just literary fairytale but also a nature primer, a polemic and a quest, a Rabelaisian romp without the scatology and a platonic love story. And a lot more besides.

    Liked by 3 people

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