The Classics Club Lucky SPIN number!

Click for details about the Spin.

We promised you a spin number this morning, and here it is! Your Spin Number is –


If you joined the game last week, find number 17 on your Spin List! That’s the title you are challenged to read by October 6, 2014. We’ll toss a post up on October 6 to see who completed the game.

As always, the prize is the reading experience. Details here.

In case anyone asks — it would be awesome if everyone posted about their Spin book on October 6. But that’s not mandatory or anything. If you want to, though, have at it! 🙂

Check in below if you played. What’s your #17 title? Are you glad, hesitant, excited about your title? Do tell!

Twitter hashtag: #ccspin

– the Club

69 thoughts on “The Classics Club Lucky SPIN number!

  1. I got Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I’m OK with that, it is one of the few re-reads on my list. I was really hoping to get Wizard of Earthsea so I will go ahead and read that next, then Bronte.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ashley, I remember that book being a strange but enjoyable read. After reading the book you might want to watch the film adaption. If I remember correctly the movie is nothing like the book but both were enjoyable.


    1. Hey Cleo…. glad you got a book of your choice… I love Wilde and “The Importance” is one of his best works…have fun!!! BTW, I got Katherine by Anya Setonv…To think we were talking about it just yesterday ..very physic, the way our #s turned up! 😉


      1. Ha! Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket! …….. I’m so interested in Anya Seton. I have one book by her and I’m tempted to start it. But I’ll resist and concentrate on my spin book.

        Thanks for the positive review on “Earnest”! I can hardly wait to start!


    1. Good luck Sam. I finished reading Moby-Dick last month and I absolutely loved it. The cetology/whaling chapters are so much more than encyclopedia entries. They were actually my favorite chapters because the facts are often presented as metaphors for Captain Ahab’s personality and human behavior in general.


  2. Oh dear, the only book on my list that I truly dreaded: ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE. I seriously considered faking a reshuffle but decided to be honest and go for it. Here I go….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Golly, I dodged a bullet. I had Crime & Punishment at 17 on my original list, but I felt like it wasn’t random enough … so I shuffled all the titles again. Ended up with The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie.

    Still, I think that’s a sign that I need to tackle C&P this winter … feels like winter read.

    Thank you for organizing the spin!!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I couldn’t get into this one, when I tried to read it years ago. I do know a few people who really like the book though. Hopefully it will be one of those books that you don’t think you will enjoy but end up loving.


    2. Hey Katherine….I had similar apprehensions when I began reading Great Expectations last year for the Spin…but it was awesome, in fact, I went back and re-read all Dickens works including Bleak House. Expectations and House are my favorites …go for it….I am sure you will enjoy it!!


    3. I loved Great Expectations! I read in a literature survey course in college. It was my first Dickens and I was absolutely dreading it, but I loved it, and now I’m a huge Dickens fan. I hope you end up liking it.


    4. I feel like one of the things to remember with books like Great Expectations (and a number of other classics) is that they were printed as serials… so they were intended to be originally read in chunks. Spread the reading out and give yourself space (as much as you can!)
      I haven’t read this one yet… I believe it’s on my list though, so I’ll try to remember my own advice 🙂


  4. 17! Wahoo – the Silent Spring for me.

    I’m glad not to have a chunkster for this spin…I’ve got a lot on this month, so a smaller non-fiction read is much appreciated 🙂

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