The Classics Club Lucky SPIN number!

Click for details about the Spin.

We promised you a spin number this morning, and here it is! Your Spin Number is –


If you joined the game last week, find number 4 on your Spin List! That’s the title you are challenged to read by October 1, 2013. We’ll toss a post up on October 1 to see who completed the game.

As always, the prize is the reading experience. Details here.

In case anyone asks — it would be awesome if everyone posted about their Spin book on October 1. But that’s not mandatory or anything. If you want to, though, have at it! 🙂

Check in below if you played. What’s your #4 title? Are you glad, hesitant, excited about your title? Do tell!

Twitter hashtag: #ccspin

– the Club

81 thoughts on “The Classics Club Lucky SPIN number!

  1. I’ve been pretty busy the past month but I can’t believe I missed spin #3.
    If it’s not against the rules, I’ll use my list from spin#2 to join in. Which means my book is Daphne du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel.


  2. I got A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway and I am very excited! It was one of the books I was hoping for with this book roulette game. I just read Z: A Story of Zelda Fitzgerald and I am definitely in the mind set for A Moveable Feast. Yay!


  3. I got Desiring God by John Piper, one of my free choices; not a ‘can’t wait to read’ but it’s a book I’ve wanted to read for a long time so I’m in a good place with the spin result. Non-fiction always takes me ages longer to get through so I may well need till Oct 1 to finish it 😉


  4. I’m reading Orley Farm by Anthony Trollope. I’ve heard this is one of the best of the stand-alone novels, so I’m happy about that — though it’s more than 800 pages!!


    1. Oh, awesome! For some reason I can hardly remember anything about that novel. I’m not sure why. I remember bits and pieces (and of course the storyline) but I must have rushed through it too quickly. . . .


    2. You should check out Austen in August over at Roof Beam Reader as well. We’ve all had a fabulous month reading JA…which is partly why I missed seeing the classic spin #3.


    1. Bleak House is brilliant, Dickens’ best, by far. It has everything — romance, comedy, drama, social satire, murder — it’s wonderful. Long, but wonderful!!!


    2. I read Bleak House beacuse Classic Club Spin forced me to revisit Great Expectation and I loved both. Bleak House is filled with satire, goodness and a very sensitive look at the extremes of the Victorial socio-economic ladder. Its a wonderful read!


    1. I felt the same — I read Mill on the Floss in high school and hated it, but I think I was too young to appreciate it. I read Middlemarch a few years ago and absolutely loved it, though the first 100 pages are a little dry. It’s definitely worth sticking with!!


      1. Thanks Karen! I read Mill on Floss in school as well and you are right…. absolutely loathed it! Thank you for the encouragement though! I also read Great Expectation in school and disliked it. But when I read it recently for the Classic Club Spin…I just loved it! So I am inspired and I am hopeful! 🙂


  5. My spin book is Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier. I was kind of neutral about this one, though I loved Rebecca and consider it a favorite. Hopefully, I’ll have the same experience with this one!


    1. Jamaica Inn is brilliant. I read it on holiday in Cornwall, checked out the places Daphne lived, history of smuggling in the area. I hope you love the book.


  6. I’ll be reading The Crying of Lot 49 next month. What’s kind of cool about these spins, though, is it shows me what I really want to read next. I had a few titles from my list that I was crossing my fingers for. Those are shot to the top of my TBR list. That’s great. TBR clarity is always appreciated 😀


  7. I’ll be reading Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, which is fine (although I did say I was dreading it). Never mind, I shall now officially be looking forward to it. 😉


  8. Last time I got the super short Heart of Darkness and this time it’s Don Quixote! 🙂 Funnily I decided to start Don Q. a few days ago anyway, so I’m 100 pages in (a little more than 1/10)!! Happy reading, everyone!


  9. I got Niels Lyhne, by Jens Peter Jacobsen. Yay! I’ve been wanting to read it. 🙂 (It’s a re-read–I took Scandianvian Lit in college and this was one of my favorites, but now I’ve forgotten all about it.)


    1. Ooo there’s an adaptation of that one coming. I’ve read a few Hardys but not this one, though I’ve read many extensive passages of it.


  10. Last time I got one I was looking forward to, so it’s only fair that this time I got one I was dreading – Utopia by Thomas More. Oh well, it forces me to read it now rather than later 🙂


    1. Anyone who can quote Thomas More is well worth the effort 🙂

      The only reason I ever heard of Thomas More’s Utopia was because of its mention in Twentieth Century Fox’s 1998 Ever After: A Cinderella Story. Haha.


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